A whole lotta fun.

Ironman Shenanigans
I joined Cardiff uni triathlon club in my first year because it was the cheapest way to swim twice a week... After the first two years plagued with illness and injury, I took a few months off and came back with a better outlook and bigger motivations. I signed up for the 2020 Ironman Barcelona, but of course covid happened. I raced it in October 2021 and snuck onto the AG podium. 😎 Within 48 hours of crossing that finish line I'd entered my next one, and by October 2022 I was racing my third, making it 3 in 12 months. Safe to say I have the bug... still trying to convince my parents that there are worse things to be hooked on, but I think my battered body and bank account might say otherwise!
Breaking down barriers
10IW started off as 10 women with a shared disgruntlement and the inequalities in gender splits at the long-distance triathlon events. They were determined to make a change so signed up for Ironman Barcelona to inspire more women to take it up. One of the people they inspired was me... I watched them go from ordinary working women to extraordinary Ironman athletes. I signed up for the 2020 cohort and that's where my journey began! The 10IW community has grown pretty huge with lots of successful events, and I'm proud to have founded a little 10IWSW community in South Wales!

Photo credits: Simon Roberts

I have my coach Craig to thank for these kind words!
Not just racing!
Races wouldn't happen without the volunteers. A big part of being in the triathlon community for me is the event support! Over my years I've done a lot of cowbell ringing, shouting instructions and waving my arms in the race directions. In the last 12months I've actually marshalled more than I raced... you get all the hype and emotion with far less pain!
Supporting is not an entirely selfless thing; it makes me internally happy to see people pushing themselves beyond what they thought was impossible.