~ an ode to the 2023 fleet ~
Now the last boat is in, Ian's lit his last flare
A sight we all love to see
It's brought to a close the Worlds Toughest Row
The Atlantic race of '23
December 13th the fireworks shot off
In San Sebastian de La Gomera
3000 miles of blood, sweat, tears and smiles
Took us across the pond to Antigua
Conditions that first week were mega
With waves like a 30ft wall
Oars and gates were broken, crews overboard
The ocean really threw us it's all
Some boats capsized, others had marlin strikes
The sea was wild and rough
Bums got real sore, hands calloused and raw
We knew this was going to be tough!
We saw things others will only dream of
Night skies - moonrise, comets and stars
We called other teams on the sat phone
When we felt times were brutally hard
We were shocked and heartbroken to hear
Alisdair took his last breath at sea
The Aussie Old Salts in our prayers and thoughts
Alisdair - may you rest in peace
Some teams raised lots for their charities
Others rowed for what they believe
But whether out to compete or just to complete
I'm still in awe at what we achieved!!
From the evenings down at the Blue Marlin
Where 4am swim club grew fast
To Shirley Heights and nights at Lobster Shack
Time with rowers was truly a blast
To all of the legends who made up the fleet
Of the Atlantic twenty twenty three
You've left a bold mark, forever in my heart
Thanks for the best ocean row family 💙

Photo credit: Penny Bird / World's Toughest Row